Information | environmental news express a week (17)
Date: 2019-03-29
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1. Two Sessions: Key Points of Environmental Protection in Government Work Report

Strengthen pollution control and ecological construction, and vigorously promote green development. Green development is the inevitable requirement of building a modern economic system and the fundamental policy to solve the pollution problem. We need to reform and improve relevant systems to promote high-quality development and ecological environment protection in a coordinated manner.

We will continue to promote pollution prevention and control. To consolidate and expand the achievements of the Blue Sky Defense War, the emissions of sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides will decrease by 3% this year, and the concentration of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) in key areas will continue to decline. We will continue to tackle the key problems of air pollution control in Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei and its surrounding areas, the Yangtze River Delta and the Fenwei Plain, and strengthen the control of three major pollution sources, namely, industry, coal combustion and motor vehicles. We will do a good job of cleaning and heating in the northern region to ensure that the people are warm for the winter. To strengthen the prevention and control of water and soil pollution, this year's chemical oxygen demand and ammonia nitrogen emissions will decrease by 2%. We will speed up the control of black and odorous water bodies and promote comprehensive regulation of key river basins and coastal waters. Strengthen the classification and disposal of solid waste and municipal refuse. As the main body of pollution prevention and control, enterprises must fulfill their environmental protection responsibilities according to law. To reform and innovate the way of environmental governance, we should not only supervise enterprises according to law and regulations, but also attach importance to reasonable demands, strengthen assistance and guidance, and give a reasonable transition period for those who need to meet the standards and rectify, so as to avoid simple and crude disposal measures.

Strengthen the green environmental protection industry. Speed up the transformation of ultra-low emission in thermal power and iron and steel industries, and implement the transformation of discharge up to standard in heavy pollution industries. Promote the clean utilization of coal and speed up the solution of the problems of wind, light and Hydropower absorption. Strengthen the construction of urban sewage network and treatment facilities. Promote resource conservation and recycling, and promote green buildings. Reform and improve environmental and economic policies, accelerate the development of green finance, cultivate a number of professional backbone enterprises of environmental protection, and enhance green development capacity.

Strengthening ecosystem protection and restoration. We will promote pilot projects for ecological protection and restoration of mountains, forests, fields, lakes and grasses, and continue to focus on land greening, sand control, soil erosion control and biodiversity conservation. Deepening the reform of the National Park system. Green development is everyone's responsibility. It's important to act and persevere.

2. Ministry of Ecology and Environment: Key Points of Environmental Impact Assessment Technology for Airport Economic Zone Planning (Trial Implementation)

The Ministry of Ecology and Environment issued a circular on the issuance of the Technical Key Points of Environmental Impact Assessment for Planning of Airborne Economic Zones (Trial Implementation). The document describes a comprehensive investigation of the sound environment and atmospheric environment around the airport, the current situation of the airport and the water resources, land resources demand and pollutant emissions in the near (medium and long) term. The evaluation can refer to the existing research results. If there is no available information to refer to, it is necessary to clarify the environmental impact degree and scope of the present situation and future development of the airport through the status quo monitoring and environmental impact prediction in the near (medium and long) term. According to the influence degree of different environmental factors, the main contradictions in space control are explained and suggestions for solving them are put forward.

Departments of Ecological Environment (bureaus) of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government, Environmental Protection Bureau of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, and relevant units:
In order to implement the Regulations on Environmental Impact Assessment of Planning, standardize and guide the environmental impact assessment of Airport Economic Zone planning, and promote the coordinated and sustainable development of airport economic zone and ecological environment protection, our Ministry has organized and formulated the Technical Points of Environmental Impact Assessment of Airport Economic Zone Planning (for trial implementation). It is now issued to you, please refer to the implementation.

Office of the Ministry of Ecological Environment

February 27, 2019

Copy: Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Ministry of Natural Resources, Ministry of Housing, Urban and Rural Construction, General Office of Ministry of Transportation, Civil Aviation Administration General Department.

Issued by the General Office of the Ministry of Ecological Environment on February 27, 2019

3. Ministry of Ecology and Environment: Notice on the pilot project of remote sensing monitoring of ecological environment

Recently, in order to fulfill the responsibility of the Ministry of Ecological Environment to exercise the supervision of ecological environment and the requirements of the Symposium on the reform of the national ecological environment monitoring system, accelerate the construction of the ecological environment remote sensing investigation, monitoring and evaluation system, further enhance the ability and level of ecological environment supervision, it was decided to carry out the pilot work of remote sensing monitoring of ecological environment in some areas, and explore and promote the construction of national ecological environment remote sensing. Sensory monitoring system provides demonstration experience for National Remote Sensing Monitoring and application of ecological environment. The Ministry of Ecology and Environment issued a notice on the pilot work of remote sensing monitoring of ecological environment. Based on the existing work foundation, taking into account the regional representation, and on the principle of voluntariness, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment decided to carry out pilot projects in eight provinces (districts and cities) such as Tianjin, Inner Mongolia, Heilongjiang, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shaanxi, Gansu and Qinghai, and three prefecture-level cities such as Jinan, Taizhou and Yuncheng in Shandong Province. Work.

4. State Energy Administration: Notice on the Key Points of Electricity Reliability Management and Engineering Quality Supervision in 2019

A few days ago, the State Energy Administration's General Department issued the "Key Notice on the Issue of Electricity Reliability Management and Engineering Quality Supervision in 2019". In accordance with the relevant deployment of the "Notice on the Issue of Work Ideas and Key Task Arrangements for Electricity Safety Production in 2019" issued by the State Energy Administration's General Department, the State Energy Administration's General Department formulated "Electricity Cocoa in 2019". Key Work Points of Reliability Management and Engineering Quality Supervision.

It is proposed that the technical support system for quality supervision of power construction projects should be improved. Cooperate with the Department of Electric Power Safety Supervision to formulate quality supervision and inspection outlines for hydropower, nuclear power conventional island, offshore wind power, photothermal wind power, biomass power generation, GIL integrated pipe gallery project, etc.

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Category: Industry news
Author: 佚名
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